L10 Flow 3 LIST


Name: ______________________________


Date: ______________________________


01. Are others mean to others? ________

02. Have you observed anyone being cruel to someone? ________

03. Is suffering necessary? ________

04. Do you know anyone who harmed others? ________

05. What do you think others do that is wrong? ________

06. Has someone taken unfair advantage of another? ________

07. Do you know somebody who makes others feel hopeless? ________

08. Has somebody betrayed another's trust in them? ________

09. Has somebody ridiculed others? ________

10. Do you know somebody who nagged others? ________

11. Is there somebody who made another's life hell? ________

12. Do you know somebody who upset others? ________

13. Have you felt you should intervene when somebody was doing

something to somebody else? ________

14. Did somebody deserve what others did to them? ________

15. Do you know somebody who should be restrained from committing
overts on others? ________

16. Do you know somebody who was sadistic? ________

17. Do you know somebody who made others feel guilty? ________

18. Do you know somebody who worried others? ________

19. Is there somebody who specialized in upsetting others? ________

20. Do you know somebody who was always talking about their
upsets with others? ________

21. Do you know somebody who committed a lot of overts? ________

22. Do you know somebody who wanted to do others in? ________

23. Do you know anybody who wanted to make others suffer? ________

24. Is there somebody who hates others intensely? ________

25. Do you know anyone who wanted vengeance? ________

26. Do you know somebody that others tried to get revenge on? ________

27. Have you ever witnessed another torturing another? ________

28. Have others ever hunted anybody? ________

29. Have you ever seen a friend or loved one made to suffer? ________

30. Have you seen somebody butchering others? ________

31. Have you ever witnessed a murder? ________

32. Is there anybody who made somebody else really miserable? ________

33. Do you know of anybody who punished others? ________

34. Have you ever seen somebody scream and yell at others? ________

35. Have you heard of something that somebody did to others that
you thought was really bad? ________

36. Have you seen somebody being beaten? ________

37. Have you ever seen a whipping? ________

38. Have you witnessed an execution? ________

39. Have you witnessed a lynching? ________

40. How have others tried to control others? ________

41. Have you seen somebody who was under somebody else's control? ________

42. Have you seen someone who was under somebody else's influence? ________

43. Have others tried to control others' minds? How? ________

44. Have you ever seen someone enslaving others? ________

45. Do you know anybody who tried to stop things? ________

46. Is there any overt that others have done to others that you
feel very strongly about? ________

47. Do you think that someone was too lenient with others? ________

48. Is there somebody who was always enforcing their opinions
on others? ________

49. Do you know anyone who could convince others that they were
wrong? ________

50. Is there someone who convinced others that they were no good? ________

51. Do you know anyone who was really mean to others? ________

52. Have you known someone you would describe as really cruel? ________

53. Do you know someone who was hard on others for their own good? ________

54. Do you know someone who enjoyed making others suffer? ________

55. Do you know somebody whom others considered very dominating? ________

56. Have you seen someone restraining themself from doing bad? ________

57. Do you know somebody who made others do bad things? ________

58. Do you know somebody who forced others to commit overts? ________

59. Is there somebody who cut others' communication lines? ________

60. Have you seen somebody lying to another? ________

61. Do you know of any injustices others have inflicted on others? ________

62. Is there somebody who attacked others? ________

63. Do you know of anybody that you consider was too weak in their
handling of others? ________

64. Do you know of anybody that others falsely accused? ________

65. Do you know of an innocent person being found guilty? ________

66. Is there somebody who criticized others? ________

67. When have you read or heard of others being criticized? ________

68. Do you know of anybody who gossiped about others behind
their backs? ________

69. Do you know of anyone who invalidated others? ________

70. Do you know of an instance of others destroying another
or others? ________

71. Do you know of an example of others teaching someone a lesson? ________

72. Is there somebody who made others suffer? ________

73. Do you know of an example of others ostracizing somebody? ________

74. Do you know of anybody who was made an outcast? ________

75. Is there somebody that others considered fault finding? ________

76. Do you know of anybody that was beaten up? ________

77. Is there somebody you think might have murdered somebody? ________

78. Is there anybody who shattered others' hopes and aspirations? ________

79. Is there any overt that others have never forgiven others for? ________

80. Do you know of anybody who was too mean to others? ________

81. Have you ever heard of someone hurting somebody they loved? ________

82. Do you know of anyone who rejected others' help? ________

83. Is there somebody who could never accept help from anyone? ________

84. Do you know of anyone who never appreciated or thanked others? ________

85. Do you know of an instance when somebody made another give
up or quit? ________

86. Do you know of somebody destroying another's hopes? ________

87. Do you know of someone or something making somebody go
unconscious? ________

88. Have you ever seen somebody being drugged? ________

89. Have you seen somebody hypnotizing another? ________

90. Do you know of anybody trying to implant another? ________

91. Have you ever observed others implanting others? ________

92. Do you know of anybody who led someone astray? ________

93. Is there anyone who made another do wrong or evil? ________

94. Do you know of an instance of somebody making another
unconscious and then telling them to do bad things? ________

95. Have you ever observed another trying to destroy
somebody's will? ________

96. Have you ever observed another trying to destroy
another's mind? ________

97. Do you know of any instance of anyone driving another mad? ________

98. Have you seen somebody trying to wipe out another? ________

99. Do you know of anyone who was negligent of someone they should
have been taking care of? ________

100. Have you witnessed another being wounded? ________

101. Have you seen somebody being mistreated? ________

102. Have you seen somebody destroying another's possessions? ________

103. Do you know of an instance of others trying to wipe out
another's memory? ________

104. Have you seen somebody punished for telling the truth? ________

105. Do you know of an instance of others making somebody keep
something secret? ________

106. Do you know of anybody who broke another's confidence? ________

107. Have you seen or heard of somebody who forced others to
forced others to keep their mouths shut? ________

108. Is there anybody who forced others to do bad or evil things? ________

109. Do you know of an instance of somebody putting somebody to
sleep and then telling them to do bad things? ________

110. Do you know somebody who was jailed? ________

111. Have you seen another being trapped? ________

112. Do you know of anybody who was scarred? ________

113. Have you ever seen somebody being dismembered? ________

114. Do you know of somebody who was disfigured? ________

115. Do you know of anybody who tried to possess another person? ________

116. Have you ever witnessed somebody being undermined? ________

117. Do you know of anybody who was seduced by another? ________

118. Do you know anybody who seduced others? ________

119. Have you ever seen somebody running a can't have on others? ________

120. Do you know of anybody who forced others into contracts or
agreements? ________

121. Do you know somebody who really hated others? ________

122. Do you know anybody who was rude or discourteous to others? ________

123. Do you know anyone who dominated others? ________

124. Is there somebody whom others thought that would be better
off dead? ________

125. Is there any time when others tried to get rid of somebody? ________

126. Is there anyone that others thought had gotten too powerful? ________

127. Is there anyone you knew of who invalidated others' opinions? ________

128. Have you ever observed somebody being forced to do something? ________

129. Have you ever observed somebody being tricked into something? ________

130. When have others ridiculed others? ________

131. Have you seen somebody being scorned? ________

132. Do you know somebody whom another made feel unwanted? ________

133. Do you know anybody who couldn't resist temptation? ________

134. Do you know somebody who is too good? ________

135. Do you know somebody who is too meek and mild? ________

136. Do you know of somebody who excluded others? ________

137. Do you know of anybody who thought that people deserved
to be harmed? ________

138. Do you know anyone who was a criminal? ________

139. Have you observed somebody stealing from others? ________

140. Do you know of anybody who committed crimes? ________

141. Do you know of anybody who took advantage of others? ________

142. Do you know of anybody who exploited others? ________

143. Is there somebody who made less of others? ________

144. Is there anybody who disappointed others? ________

145. Do you know anybody who was trying to get even? ________

146. Do you know anyone who had a chip on their shoulder? ________

147. Is there somebody who was really bitter about life? ________

148. Is there somebody who didn't commit an overt but should have? ________

149. Do you know anyone who you think treated others badly? ________

150. How do you think people get into committing overts? ________

151. Is there somebody who thinks that others are evil? ________

152. Is there somebody whom others considered to be really evil? ________

153. Is there anything that others have done to others that
we haven't covered? ________

154. Have any of these questions reminded you of any withhold
of yours? ________

155. Have any of these questions reminded you of anything you
have done? ________