Hubbard Audio Collection
These are audio files in MP3, WAV
or RealAudio
formats. The recording is actually L Ron Hubbard talking!
Now I hope you understand this, because I've never been able to make head nor tail of it. It must be some sort of a
Black Magic operation, started out by the Luce cult -- some immoral people who are operating up in New York City,
Rockefeller Plaza -- been thoroughly condemned by the whole society. Anyway, their rate-of-change theory -- I've
never seen any use for that mathematics, by the way -- I love that mathematics, because it -- I asked an engineer,
one time, who was in his 6th year of engineering, if he'd ever used Calculus, and he told me yeah, once, once I did,
he said. When did you use it? And he said I used it once. Let me see, what did you use it on? Oh yeah. Something
on the rate-of-change of steam particles in boilers. And then we went out and tested it and found the answer was
Calculus -- if you want to know -- there is room there for a mathematics which is a good mathematics. And it would
be the rate of co-change, or the rate of change when something else was changing, so that you could establish
existing rates of change in relationship to each other, and for lack of that mathematics, nobody has been able to
understand present time -- you just can't sum it up easily -- or let us say, for lack of an understanding of what
present time was, nobody could formulate that mathematics. So, actually there's a big hole there that could be
filled -- a thing called calculus is trying to fill that hole, right now, and it can't.
But the rates of change -- it comes closest to it. I think it was one of Newton's practical jokes. Here we have
Calculus, and it's trying to measure a rate of change. Well, if we had something that was really workable and simple,
it would be formed on this basis. The present time, and gradients of time were gradients of havingness, and as one
havingness changed, you could establish a constancy of change for other related havingnesses. But because the basic
unit of the universe is two, you would have to have a rate of change known and measured for every rate of change then
estimated. The mathematics won't operate in this universe unless it has simultaneous equations. If you have two
variables, you must have two equations with which to solve those two variables. In other words you have to compare
one to the other simultaneously. Otherwise you just get another variable. Of course, people laughingly do this. They
take an equation with two variables, and then they solve it. And then you say "What have you got?" And the fellow
says "K". And you say now just a minute -- you got "K", huh? Well, what is "K"? Well "K", we have established
arbitrarily as being -- well, say, why did you work the equation out in the first place? You had "K", didn't you?""
You know, it kills the human body very, very dead, but it'll go through a sixteen foot wall! A gamma ray'll go through a wall, very easily. Well, what's it -- how does it hurt a body? Nobody can tell you. A wall can't stop a gamma ray, but a body can. And we get down to our number one medical question. Gamma rays go through walls but don't go through bodies. We get the density of a body and the density of the wall and we find out that the body is less dense than the wall. So therefore we have to go in to the field of the mind, if we can't go into the field of anatomy on this subject and say "What is happening here?". And I can tell you, fortunately, what is happening here. Resistance! The wall doesn't resist and the body does.
So if he's accepted this -- this concept or this description -- which is perfectly true; I mean, God is everywhere; he isn't watching you, you are it.
Anyhow, perfectly true, maybe, to him, that God is everywhere and he'll do something which he knows would be very offensive to what his concept of God is.
And he knew that God was watching him, so therefore this is an overt act against God.
And do you know you can pick that up out of almost anybody that has ever been infected -- I mean, ever studied Christianity.
Now, this is so deeply buried, by the way, that it takes considerable digging sometimes to make your preclear find this one.
The dependency one is easy; everybody knows you depend, depend, depend, depend.
But on the other side, that is not as easy to find. When did he do something that was an overt act to God? But it's one you have to solve on the case or you'll never get him up here where he'll play God.
To BE is to KNOW.
You should be able, by the way, not ever to have to remember an engineering formula or anything like this. You don't go back down the time track to look at the book in a fascimile. That is a secondary operation and not an optimum one!
What you do is go to the library and look at it and go so fast and come back so fast that you don't know you've gone!
Somebody walks up to you and says, "What is the wavelength of sputter-guffs?"
And you say, "Well, it's 8216 to the minus umpf."
And they say, "Well, how did you know that? My, that was bright! How did you know that?"
"Well, I just knew it."
All the knowledge that's worth knowing is outside your memory bank -- in complete and perfect contact with the beingness that is you. Seems hard to believe, doesn't it?
But, actually, you can understand completely how an automobile drives by being the automobile. You can slide in behind the wheel.
The Martian operation is a fascinating operation, simply because it has gone into 100 percent holding force. And it does everything it does with tremendous coversion. It's sitting behind a defense screen of enormous size, and nobody - it's practically impossible to penetrate that, except as a thetan. And if you penetrate it as a thetan, you go through the Martian screen, and they got you!
But completely aside from that fact, Earth has been used consistently as a prison; and it is a prison, and it is heavily screened. There are installations in Mongolia, there are installations in the Pyrenees here on Earth, and there are installations down in the Mountains ot the Moon in Africa which pick up, very often, people on death.
Well, let's say each one of you could afford a hundred hours of auditing. That is relatively, maybe, five times as many as you should have if you are being well audited. Let's put the factor of five in there. And just throw that in there and say it's a hundred hours. Could you afford to spend a hundred hours as an auditor on the couch? Boy, I'm sure afraid you could. Why, you could dig up a hundred hours someplace. You could put in three nights a week at a couple of hours a session. What would happen if you put in three nights a week at two hours a session? That adds up to six hours a week, doesn't it? How long does that take to get to a hundred hours? Sixty-six and two-thirds, is that right? Well, six and two-thirds weeks.
[from audience members] Sixteen.
Sixteen. Have to figure in arithmetic. I have an awful time with MEST arithmetic -- just horrible -- just terrible. Sixteen weeks. Okay? That's very interesting. I have to completely change reality to get a MEST arithmetical thing. You see, MEST arithmetic doesn't happen to be real -- I mean, happen to be actual. It's real. Fascinating.
Well, there are societies in England that are having an awfully good time fighting the cigarette. They can't do anything else, so they fight cigarettes. And they say that the cigarette causes lung cancer. And they've -- you've been hearing something of this, I'm sure. Yeah. Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer. Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer! If anybody is getting a cancerous activity in the lung, the probabilities are that it's radiation dosage coupled with the fact that he smokes. And what it does is start to run out the radiation dosage, don't you see. But I'd say that would be better than not running out any of the radiation dosage at all and the number of lung cancer cases which exist, of course, that don't smoke are just forgotten about by these societies, but they are very numerous.
Anyway, there's nicotinic acid in that cigarette. Inevitably, on inhalation of tobacco, you will get some of this phenomena of face flush, but in view of the fact that a cigarette isn't pushing its smoke over the outside of the body but on the inside, of course, you run it out internally
This is directly and violently in opposition to the Fourth Invader Force. And the Fifth Invader Force, out of its own protection, took over Venus - oh, relatively in modern times - took over Venus and tried to stabilize the Venusian.
If you called a Fifth Invader, though, a Venusian, he would probably shoot you out of hand, because it would be a horrible insult. They merely monitor the government of Venus, and they leave Mars strictly alone.
Now, this is really, roughly, a rundown of the quote "political" situation in the solar system.
Taken from lecture 24 of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures when L. Ron Hubbard didn't
get his PhD. This is an old game played by thetans.
"You'll find, by the way, another manifestation is preclears will shift identities and borrow
fascimiles like mad. There's what they call 'The Christ Game' and that game has been played and played and
played and play..., honest to Pete, these cards are just so thin, they've been laid down amongst
the coffee cups, and so forth, of the whole universe. You'll find out thousands of years before
the year 1 AD, Earth, you will have facsimilies and dolls made up like Christ. Fac One: a
million years ago is occasionally rigged with Christ and the devil and an angel. 's a fascinating
thing, it's an old game. Here on Earth, there was undoubtably a Christ. One of the reasons he was
... he swept in so suddenly ah, and he, he would go forward so hard, is he had a good assist back
of him in terms of an implant."
From "Between Lives Implants", SHSBC #317. 23 July 1963. Mark the way LRH pronounces 'Galaxy':
"Well, I know this: that onto this planet there's a great deal of dumping has gone on.
Stuff from the nearby galaxy -- not this galaxy but from the next galaxy over and so forth, is
going on here. I know they take political prisoners and guys who they don't want around, but
it's less personal than you think. They just have excess population so they start to get rid of
their excess population, you see? They've got a revolt, or you're on the wrong side of a war, or
something like that, and they pick you up in droves, and ice-cube you and throw you into a sea
I know this planet has been subjected to that and several planets in this immediate end of this
galaxy have been subjected to that -- that I know."
This is not the voice of L. Ron Hubbard, but of an actor. The tape called "Can We Ever Be Friends"
(part of a PTS handling) is given to e.g. concerned parents to explain what Scientology is all about.
"There is nothing as strange in Scientology, as the nineteenth century psychology fixation, that
"All men are just peculiar animals.". Or as Freud said in the last century, that "All urges are based solely
on sex." And that "There is no more to life than sexual cravings, twenty-four hours a day." Or the fascist
psychiatrists' belief, that "Frying their heads with electricity cures all criminals."
No-oh, Scientology is not as strange as that. Scientology believes in kindness, understanding and better
human relations."
Now you know how we were transported to Earth (Teegeeack) in such large numbers and why John Travolta's
son Jet's bedroom is modeled on the inside of a DC-8 aeroplane. From "Assists" lecture. 3 October 1968. #10 in the confidential Class VIII series of lectures:
"They were imported. They were actually .. the trick was to shoot somebody, disable somebody, very
often a needle into a lung and at the same time to hit him with frozen alcohol and glycol which preparation
is guaranteed to pick up a Thetan. All they had to do was pick him up and put him in a refrigerator and
they had him, boy. If he tried to exteriorize from the body, there he was, frozen.
And they threw 'em into collection points, boxed 'em up in boxes, threw 'em into space planes which were the
exact copies of DC8's, the DC8 airplane is the exact copy of the space plane of that day. And, no difference,
except the DC8 had fans, propellers on it and the space plane didn't."
All as part of the R6 implant. It kind of sets the mood, doesn't it? From "Assists" Lecture. 3rd October 1968. #10 of the confidential Class VIII series of lecture:
"You are going to run into this character starts going round and round and round and they say
"The helicopter's going to cra-ash, it's going to cra-ash" and you're looking for a helicopter action.
What the hell it's R6 boy and nothin' else. And I don't know, I think for about a day or two it takes
this helicopter to crash in R6. Err, there's no helicopter there, the guy's frozen in alcohol and
glycol, and sitting in a block, being given a big 3D Cecil B. De Milles special motion picture."
From "Assists" lecture. 3 October 1968. #10 in the confidential Class VIII series of lectures:
"Anyway, Everyman is then shown to have been crucified so don't think that it's an
accident that this crucifixion, they found out that this applied.
Somebody somewhere on this planet, back about 600 BC, found some pieces of R6, and I don't
know how they found it, either by watching madmen or something, but since that time
they have used it and it became what is known as Christianity. The man on the Cross. There
was no Christ. But the man on the cross is shown as Everyman.
So of course each person seeing a crucified man, has an immediate feeling of sympathy for
this man. Therefore you get many PCs who says they are Christ. Now, there's two reasons
for that, one is the Roman Empire was prone to crucify people, so a person can have been
crucified, but in R6 he is shown as crucified."
From "Assists" Lecture. 3rd October 1968. #10 of the confidential Class VIII series of lecture:
"But there's the incident called "The Obscene Dog" with it's just a little bit later than
Incident One. And sometimes actually by running it, why you can get the PC into Incident One.
The Obscene Dog was a sort of a brass dog in a sitting position and anybody who got around to the
front of the dog got caught in some electronic current and passed through the dog to the dogs rear
end and spat out. Thetans didn't like this. [laughter]."
From "Assists" Lecture. 3rd October 1968. #10 of the confidential Class VIII series of lecture:
"The entirety of Roman Catholicism - the devil, all of this sort of thing - that
is all part of R6."
LRH describes how he was shifted to the between-lives area on the planet Venus (a
place where we all go after we die to have our memories erased by aliens). From "Between Lives Implants", SHSBC #317. 23 July 1963:
"And well, it starts like this -- it starts like this: I was up in the Van Allen belt
-- this is factual, and I don't know why they're scared of the Van Allen belt, because it's
simply hot. You'd be surprised how warm space is. Get down amongst the clouds and so forth, it
can get pretty cold and damp. But you get well up and sunlight shining around and that sort of
thing, it's quite hot. And the Van Allen belt was radioactively hot. A lot of photons get trapped
in that area and so forth. And I was up there watching the sunrise. Well, that was very interesting.
And my perception was very good, and I was taking a look at Norway and Essex and the places around,
you know, and getting myself sort of oriented. And then something happened to me that I didn't know
quite what had happened to me. I thought some facsimiles must have appeared in front of me, but
they didn't look like facsimiles. And some other things happened and I had a feeling like I might
possibly go into the sun. And a few other little uncomfortablenesses there where... That wasn't
what awed me. But I got confused. I got confused because the sun was suddenly larger and then it
was smaller and somehow or another I was doing a change of space process that I myself was not
familiar with. And it made me sort of bite off my thetan fingernails just a little bit, you know?"
From "Between Lives Implants", SHSBC #317. 23 July 1963:
"Mary Sue gave the cue on this thing. She said, "Look at how hard they have
to work to keep you from being OT!" Hey, now, that's quite a thought! Isn't that quite
a thought? Hm?
Now you look at this. You look at this, now. The complete idiocy of it. Somebody sits
up on Venus -- there are probably some other stations around up in the system. This
one's on Venus. I notice that we all believe that Venus has a methane atmosphere and is
unlivable. I almost got run down by a freight locomotive the other day -- didn't look
very uncivilized to me. I'm allergic to freight locomotives, they're always running into
LRH mocks the prophet Mohammed by calling him a "small town booster". PDC #24. 9 December 1952:
"It's an enormous stone hanging suspended in the middle of a room, this is an incident
called the Emanator by the way, and this thing is by the way the source of the Mohammedan
Lodestone that they have hanging down there, that, eh, when Mohammed decided to be a good
small-town booster in eh Kansas, Middle-East, or something of the sort. By the way, the only
reason he mocked that thing up, is the trade wasn't good in his hometown. That's right. You
read the life of Mohammed.
And he's got a black one and it sort of hung between the ceiling and the floor, I don't know,
maybe they call it the Casbah or something or... Anyway, anyway, that thing is a mockup of the
Emanator! The Emanator is bright, not black.
And so, your volunteer, who insists on a sightseeing trip, goes in and this thing is standing
in the middle of the room, and it's going 'wong wong wong wong wong' and he says: "Isn't that
pretty?". It sure is, and then he says "Mmmgrmrm ponk" Why, I'll tell you, they cart him from
there, and they take him in and they do a transposition of beingness."
From the lecture entitled "The Free Being", lecture 309 of the "Saint Hill Special Briefing Course" (SHSBC #309. 9 July 1963):
"This society belongs nominally to the Espinol United Stars. This is Sun 12, and it is one
little tiny pinpoint. Their whole title is "Espinol United Stars..", pardon me, "Espinol United Moons,
Planets and Asteroids, this part of the Universe is ours, Hup!"
But this, yeah, "This quarter of the Universe is ours," it translates better. "This quarter of the Universe
is ours." And it's so much quarter of the universe, and this is so lost in the middle of it that there's
been no command post occupied for this system now since 1150 A.D., at the time when a group on Mars was
finally abolished and vanished, and so forth, and nobody took any interest in this system. This system has
been running wild since that time."
Here is a short extract of Hubbard auditing his wife Mary Sue on the Helatrobus Implant goals. In
this case the goal "to be serious". TV Demo: Engram Running - Helatrobus Implant Goal", SHSBC #295. 22 May 1963
"LRH: Here is your auditing question.
MS: Hm-hm.
LRH: Who or what would oppose absoluteably seriousness?
MS: Nix absoluteably seriousness.
LRH: Give me the whole thing again.
MS: Nix absoluteably seriousness.
LRH: Very good. All right. That rocket read.
On this item has anything been suppressed? Nope.
I'll read to you this item again: Nix absoluteably seriousness. All right. And who or what would nix
absoluteably seriousness oppose?
MS: Perfectably seriousness."
From PDC tape #18 (Dec 5, 1952)
"Now, he could simply say, "I have action." A magician - the magic cults of the eighth, ninth,
tenth, eleventh, twelfth centuries in the Middle East were fascinating. The only modern work that has
anything to do with them is a trifle wild in spots, but it's fascinating work in itself, and that's work
written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend. And he did himself a
splendid piece of aesthetics built around those magic cults. It's very interesting reading to get hold of
a copy of a book, quite rare, but it can be obtained. the Master Therion, T-h-e-r-i-o-n, The Master
Therion by Aleister Crowley. He signs himself "The Beast"; "The Mark of the Beast, 666." Very, very
something or other."
From "State of OT", SHSBC #296. 23 May 1963:
"And although I don't think you'd have very much pleasure out of kissing a girl from Jupiter -
that's a heavy-gravity planet, and if you stepped on the planet Jupiter in one of these meat bodies that
you presently have, you would become a pancake promptly, you see? And what atmosphere it has lies in
seas of liquid air and so on. You might say that this is somewhat rigerous as an environment, not
completely similar to Russia but.. [laughter]. So you do get these various variations. And it's not
all that horrifying however.
You find somebody running around the planet Jupiter, he'd be built to withstand that climatic condition,
and the gravitic condition and so forth, and his legs might be a bit modified and his arms and that sort
of thing, but he probably would look like an Eskimo."
From "Assessment, Memories, Ridges", Exteriorization and the Phenomena of Space. 27 October 1953:
"Now the MEST universe is all very well, but it's all illusion. One doesn't want
an illusion, so he can't have an illusion, and when he was very young, why, Christ
was alright, he was very friendly as a matter of fact, and so on., but that's mostly,
people, you know, they have to believe in that sort of thing, and they did once,
but it requires nothing but faith, and of course they can't have any faith anymore,
and they did have hopes on that once in a while, but actually religion doesn't lead
anybody anyplace, in the final analysis, because you never get your wish anyway,
so of course one can't survive on the basis of spirits and religion and so forth,
so that leaves just of course God, and of course God naturally exists, because
there's all this space around here, and this space is obviously surviving,
so of course it's obviously surviving, of course space itself is liable to collapse but the
Prime Mover Unmoved is not liable to collapse, because he created all this and maybe he can't
either, and nobody yet has come up with as flat a 'can't survive', as 'God will
never again be able to create anothe MEST universe'. But if we mentioned it brother,
it would be out in the streets."
"Ah, but, it believes only one thing: 'I am fixed in space by an exterior determinism'.
Now remember that, that is real important in the subject of exteriorisation.
And this Thetan is surrounded entirely by this complete belief that something else is
fixing everything else in space, although he can't find any source of this, so we invent
"Men, then ... a whole lot of people will say carelessly 'Well, God is everywhere',
remember that this was an idea which was introduced rather latterly in Christian religion.
The God of which they speak, of whom they speak continually, eh Yahweh,
lord knows how it's produ.. pronounced, because it is so secret, that nobody is
really is supposed to be able to pronounce it, so they ommitted all of the vowels
in the word, and they spell it only with it's consonants. So lord knows how this
word is to be pronounced, but the more agreed upon pronunciation amongst scholars
so they can talk about it is Yahweh. And this is the Christian God. But he lives
in a trunk with a leopard skin. That's right, that's the full story of it."
Excerpted from Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Tape #58
[some text dropped]
"Rate of change is this mathematics known as Calculus. Calculus, it's a very interesting thing, is divided
into two classes -- there's Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. The Differential Calculus is in the first
part of the textbook on Calculus, and Integral Calculus is in the second part of the textbook on Calculus. As you
look through the book, you'll find in the early part of the book on Calculus, "dx" over "dy", a little "dx", and a
little "dy" -- and one's above the other on a line -- predominates in the front part of the book, but as you get to
the end of the book you find these "dx" and "dy"s preceded by a summation sign, or are equating to a summation sign,
and the presence of this shows that we are in the field of Integral Calculus.
From Radiation and the Scientologist, 13 April 1957:
".. And out of this, what do we get? We get a tremendous question mark. Whether radiation is floating across the world or not, is not the point. There's a question mark floating across the world. Is it, or isn't it? Well the funny part of it is that's radiation itself. Is it there or isn't it there?
From Therapy Section of Technique 80: Part I, Route to Infinity, 21 May 1952 (1:42):
"He's told what the eighth dynamic is: "God is everywhere, God is everything, God is in everything, God is outside of everything, and it's in everything, and it watches you, and the watchbirds are watching you, and God is watching you and everybody's keeping his finger on you..." And the first thing you know, the fellow is going to say to himself, "Hm-mm, there's something wrong with this. I wish I had a little privacy." And this is hard on him.
From Outline of Technique 80, Route to Infinity, 19 May 1952:
"And by the way, you don't need experience. That's another operation. There is no sense at all in your having to remember having been taught how to do something or other. There is no sense in that. You should be able to suddenly BE the thing, and therefore you can do it.
From Therapy Section of Technique 80: Part II, 21 May 1952:
"It's nonsense! There is no knowledge worth knowing that's in your memory bank.
From "Role of Earth", 30 October 1952:
"..the Fourth Invader Force was here. The Fifth Invader Force came in to use this area, and the name of this solar system is Space Station 33. They started to use this area without suspecting that the Fourth Invader Force had been there for God knows how many skillion years, had been sitting down, and they have their installations up on Mars, and they have a tremendous, screened operation.
From "Role of Earth", 30 October 1952:
"..not really interested in Earth at all, as such, because Earth is a heavy gravity planet, and who the hell wants a heavy gravity planet! Earth would be much better off lying in chunks in an orbit around the sun. But naturally, that's a pretty rough assignment, blowing up something this size and putting it around, so nobody would do that.
From "Summary to Date: Handling Step I and Demo", lecture 54 of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures, 17 December 1952:
"... So how much time does it take for an auditor to get in good shape? How much time does it take for an auditor to get up to operating thetan?
From SHSBC-35 6107C19, Q-and-A Period: Auditor Effect on Meter, 19th July 1961:
"So I thought that it might be a good thing to know in event of atomic war that we would get -- we might have some chemical assist so that maybe the people who were only slightly frazzled and so forth, could -- could come out of it. And it would have to be very simple. It would have to be some common drug, some common pill.
From "Role of Earth", 30 October 1952:
"There are saucer crews here; there's all sorts of things on Earth here from the Fifth Invader Force. Very interesting.
L. Ron Hubbard on how to cure blindness by shifting "attention units":
[laughter] "Now blindness is just getting these two groups of attention units off to the side so they can't see through the optic nerve. That's the stirrup of blindness. Nothing much to it. You're gonna resolve a case of blindness just get them to run the attention units which should be standing behind the optic nerve and then find what they did, about see.... by the way, blind men usually have burned somebody down with sight, or think they have. Fascinating. They'll never suspect this one. You ask 'em about this it'll show up on the e-meter and you start to run it. Boy do they protest. But if you run it their sight should turn on."
L. Ron Hubbard doing "Creative Processing" on one of his followers to enable him to overcome the trapping power of babies heads:
PC: Sounds very religious
LRH: Yes it is. Alright have these two little babies with enormous amount of energy covering them.
PC: All right.
LRH: Smash 'em together.
PC: Yea
LRH: Two more babies. Smash 'em together.
PC: Yea
LRH: Two more babies. Smash 'em together.
L. Ron Hubbard talking about the "Genetic Entity" (GE), a degraded thetan that runs human bodies. He says some of them were once flying crocodiles riding monocycles on 40 pass highways. Self-Determinism and the Creation of Universes, 16th November 1952:
"He thinks he's one of these beings and this being, let us say, most resembles the Earth animal of a flying crocodile. And here you have this flying crocodile wearing golden horns, which are artificial, and his tail beautifully encased on silk, jumping on a monocycle and going off down this 40 pass highway. I mean it's just, it's just, aww no, you look at this sort of thing and you say "no wonder this guy's just a little bit disoriented". It stretches, it stretches the limits in all directions as to what kind a body can become."
L. Ron Hubbard talking about how negroes imbue inanimate objects with personality. Therapy Section of Technique 80: Part I, Route to Infinity, 21 May 1952:
"Actually, have you ever noticed how a negro, in particular, down south, where they're pretty close to the soil, personifies MEST? The gate post and the wagon and the whip and anything around there. A hat -- they talk to 'em, you know. "Wassa madda wit you, hat?" [laughter]. They imbue them, with personality."
L. Ron Hubbard on the power of one of his techniques:
"There is the low level part of the technique which consists of "A", "R", "C" on each dynamic and you can carefully plot up and pick up "A" [click] "R" [click] "C" [click] on each part of every dynamic. And go over that, carefully, through the line 'til you will key out or partly disintegrate out each and every bar there is to your state of beingness. But this is done as a present time technique and Technique 80 is one hundred percent a present time technique. It's capability is to bring you up to a level where, while still in a body, you are capable of being and experiencing with, every part of the universe while you're still in that body. That's 80."
L. Ron Hubbard on the power of one of his techniques. Therapy Section of Technique 80: Part II, The Route to Infinity, 21 May 1952:
"Here I am telling you about technique 80, on June 15th I'm going to start teaching a professional class here, and there's going to be a Summer session, I think on the 23rd and the week of the 23rd I'm going to talk about Technique 88. Here we are talking about a technique which does the most dangerous horrible thing that could happen. It deprives people of bodies to put to work and it lessens police power. That's pretty bad so don't tell anybody about this. In the first case they probably wouldn't believe you unless they stop and thought for a moment and thought how many times they step in and out of their body every day, anyhow. You know, if you want to know whether you can get in and out of your body, have you ever been out of valence?. Have you ever, by the way, been so thoroughly out of valence in present time that you were sitting looking at yourself all of a sudden? It can happen. It can happen. Well don't think there is any difficulty in getting out of your body. At a low level on the Tone Scale, the real difficulty is staying in, and that's why you're worried about it. You're on a complete nervous anxiety and almost worn to pieces with trying to stay in this piece of MEST and we can either resolve that anxiety with Technique 80 or we can just let you abandon the whole thing with 88. And, by the way, people who do run 88 have to furnish their own coffins. We won't furnish those here [laughter], yep."