The Internet has changed everything for critics of Scientology. For example, I live far away from any cult franchise or public critic. Without the Internet, I would stand no chance fighting the Cult of Scientology. Imagine the time and cost involved in conducting an investigation into the cult across the Atlantic using letters and phone. They could easily orchestrate a set of lawsuits against me where I stood no real chance. But with my computer I can easily access more detailed information than you can find in any single physical location. Instantly! I can search through books and court records, and talk to other critics. While all the people fighting the cult before had to do the same investigative work over and over, I can download a copy of all their work. And more!
L Ron Hubbard never predicted the Internet so the cult has no policy that can handle it. Individual critics, spread all over the world (usually angry ex-members or fearless investigating journalists), were no real challenge for an unscrupulous cult with millions of dollars to spend. But the same critics communicating with each other, exchanging documents and experiences, is devastating. All the money in the world can't stop all the critics stirred into action by the information on the 'Net.
The cult still seems to be caught off guard. People from Scandinavia to New Zealand have done everything from hosting a critical link on their homepage, to making the inner most secrets of Scientology available on their web sites. When Scientology sued one critic, ten more popped up. Then hundreds were informed, and later thousands. On the 'Net the Scientology "tech" to handle "suppressive people" (SPs) turned out only to harm the cult. The more people became aware of the dangerous cult.
The fight is far from won. Cult leaders are still hoping things will calm down so they can use their "tech" again. You might not want to stand in the front lines, or even make your name known to the cult, but there is still a lot you can do!
Here is a list of suggestions, but don't let this limit your creativity:
Many search engines (like
rate sites on how many links to a site using specific keywords. If you search for "scientology" the
site on the top of the result is the site with the most links to it using the word "scientology". You
can help increase Operation Clambake position by adding a link on your site.
Link any occurrences of the word "scientology" or "dianetics" to Operation Clambake like this:
<A HREF="">scientology</A>
I have a list of projects I would like to do. Some I just don't
have the time or skill to start with. Maybe you would like a crack at them? Check out my project
list here.
With a banner on your home page you take a stand, and that is probably
the most important first thing to do. The more visible criticism against dangerous groups and
organisations are, the easier it is for the people in the "front lines" to be effective and keep
going. You can find some banners here.
Many have good reason not to get involved in this fight, and that's
fair enough. But if you support what others do, let them know! Write them a note. You can't
imagine how valuable it is for them. Even though you might not be a likely victim of this cult,
the work critics do might result, directly or indirectly, in one in your family or circle of
acquaintances not becoming a victim of one. Let them know you appreciate that.
In the United States, it's the responsibility of each state's
Attorney General to enforce the laws and prosecute crimes like fraud. If you'd like to contact
your Attorney General about Scientology, click here
to find your state Attorney General's web site, mailing address and phone number.
You can use this sample letter
or write a letter of your own. Finally, if your state is holding elections for Attorney General in November,
you may want to ask your candidates about their position on prosecuting Scientology - or check
this page to see if they've
stated their position.
For non-American users there are many similar things you can do. Write to the Minister of Health and
ask whether they ever looked into Scientology, and if not give them information and ask them to investigate
further. Others to contact are state police and tax departments. And of course you have all the politicians and
political parties.
The attempt by the cult lawyer Helena Kobrin to remove the public
newsgroup alt.religion.scientology was for many netizens
their first encounter with the Cult of Scientology. It's a good idea to lurk in the newsgroup for some
time first, and try to give people some slack. It is at times a very noisy newsgroup. It is hard for newcomers
to separate the good guys from the trolls, so beware! But for the latest news, most interesting debate and
best answers, there is no comparison. If you use IRC you can join #Scientology on EFnet. Both places
are dominated by critics, since the ordinary member of CoS is not allowed to join open debate. I wonder why...
The cult has shops in many cities all around the world, and
from there they try to pick up gullible or vulnerable people on the street. They first offer a
free "personality test", but that
is only an introduction to a series of hard sell tactics. Whatever your test results are, they will always
suggest you buy a course to get better or solve your problems.
Pickets outside their shops are
therefore a big threat to them, making it impossible to lie about their "religion" or "self-help therapy".
If you want to check for local pickets where you live, either post to
alt.religion.scientology or meet other
picketeers at "The International Picket Central".
Got access to a copy machine? Use one of the ready-made
leaflets available on the 'Net and distribute it
in your neighborhood. Leave a pile in public places, like your local cafe, the library, public offices, bars,
subway, waiting rooms, hotels, etc, Or send it to schools and universities where we know
cults try to recruit new members. Make sure there are always Internet addresses on the
leaflets so that people know where to go for more information.
Making information available on the Internet is the best long
term "investment" critics can make. You may not have the time or skill to make your own critical
site, but your help and assistance is always welcomed. Contact the authors
of existing critical pages and offer your help..
A lot of sites on the 'Net sell advertisement space very cheap. For just
a few bucks you can promote a critical site with a text advertisement or increase its rating
in their search result on specific words. E.g. Google AdWords Advertisment Program.
Now and then people ask me how and where to donate money to support the
fight against the criminal Cult of Scientology. Operation Clambake does cost some money to run, but I'm
currently not accepting monetary donations. Instead you are encouraged to host one of the Operation
Clambake banners on your homepage. If you want to donate money to fight CoS, please consider
these organisations and individuals.
Our strength is in our diversity. Also remember we want to act as better examples compared to the
cult - so stay within the laws and think ethical.
There is no limit - individuals on the 'Net are the biggest threat to any dangerous cultist group!
Do you have special talents, interests or contacts? Have some
spare time to do some work translating, proof reading, making web pages, or offering web space? Know someone
who can print t-shirts or leaflets extra cheap? Have a truck we can decorate for the next picket? Buddies
with a journalist that might find this interesting? Are you a good writer or artist? Do you know a celebrity in
Hollywood, or are you the type that can "make things happen"? Fast typist, know an ex-member with valuable
information, got an experience yourself from the cult, active in an organisation or a church that should be
informed about Scientology? Can you make it a subject at school or at university?
Thanks to Kristi Wachter & David for the proof-reading and suggestions.