Going to an abortion clinic was a horrifying experience in the dark side of
human nature. We sat there and saw the misery of others who were there. To be
honest, it all felt unreal. It is dangerous to have an abortion, because in some
cases the mother can no longer carry a child to full term afterwards.
To make a long story short, my wife and I decided to have children once we got
out of the Sea Org. She was five months pregnant and we went to have an
ultrasound done. We discovered that the unborn child was horribly deformed and
had to be aborted. In the end I held the deformed fetus in my arms after it was
born dead. The face was my face. I loved the child and was very upset and hurt
by the experience. This experience devastated both of us and effectively
destroyed our marriage. We are divorced now.
How is it that you can devote your life to an organization, yet have no medical
insurance or any assurance that you will be cared for by the organization? What
kind of crazy fools is the Sea Org creating in this modern world we live in?
No, I don't hate Scientology. But I sure hate what it does. What kind of coward
would demand the blood of the innocent unborn as a matter of law? L. Ron Hubbard
is the answer, and just like the Nazi soldiers at the death camps, David
Miscavige, Scientology's new dictator, keeps on pushing the button or giving
the orders to kill. L Ron Hubbard is dead! Why does the slaughter of the
innocent continue?
Prior to my association with Scientology I was blessed with two healthy
children. It is my belief that as a result of Scientology I lost two children.
I plan to make the subject of enforced abortions in Scientology widely known and
well documented.